"Parties represented included Islamist and Leftist parties. Slogans included calls for resignation of the government of Samir Rifai; Free elections based on a fair election law; end to corruption and privatization; economic justice; cancelation of the peace treaty with Israel; an end to the withdrawal for citizenships from Jordanian citizens of Palestinian origin. Many slogans in solidarity with protests in Egypt today. Protest which began after Friday prayers at Al-Husseini mosque lasted about two hours and ended peacefully. Protests have now occurred on four successive Fridays in Amman and other parts of Jordan."
(Quelle: http://aliabunimah.posterous.com)
Revolution mit dem Tanzbein: Black Sabbath - The End: Live in Birmingham
Am 4. Februar 2017 nahmen die Pioniere des Heavy Metal ihren Abschied. Es
war in Birmingham, der Heimatstadt der Mitglieder von Black Sabbath und der
vor 7 Minuten